I really enjoy counseling people who are trying to rebuild or enrich their relationships. Quite often, our conversations lead us to The 5 Love Languages, a highly-influential, best-selling book by Gary Chapman. The idea is that there are five primary “Love Languages,” i.e., different ways that people give and receive love.
Chapman’s five primary Love Languages are:
- Acts of Service
- Gifts
- Quality Time
- Touch
- Words of Affirmation
I like how the concept of “Love Languages” highlights how people are unique. It’s not about loving others in general, it’s about loving individual people–thus it’s important to know what makes a particular person feel loved.
Loving intentions don’t necessarily result in someone feeling loved. I’ve had clients report feeling perpetually unloved for decades, despite a spouse’s consistent, sacrificial attempts to show love during all those years. Like verbal languages, love can easily get lost in translation. In fact, delivering the wrong kind of love feels like unlove to the recipient. So, delivering the right kind of love is vitally important. “Love Languages” provides a helpful framework for that, and thus I recommend the book as a way to discern which of the love languages are the most meaningful.
I have five additional insights about Love Languages:
- If you take a Love Languages quiz, you’ll likely find that you have a combination of Love Languages. Pay attention to the ones that are especially meaningful to you, but also take note of those that are not-at-all meaningful. Others would benefit if they knew to deliver to you more of the former and less of the latter.
- Our Love Languages might change depending on who we’re with. For example, Touch is my primary Love Language with Cindy, but not so much with others. Words of Affirmation from a boss or authority figure might be especially meaningful to someone who grew up with critical parents.
- I have found that Love Languages change somewhat as we grow and develop. Life situations, longings, and felt needs change over time, and so do the things we find most meaningful. For example, I used to not find “Gifts” meaningful, but lately I’ve noticed how certain Gifts (thoughtful ones, not monetary) make me feel genuinely loved by Cindy. If you haven’t re-assessed your Love Languages for a while, I would recommend it.
- The categories themselves are very broad, so consider how sub-categorizing may be necessary–for example, for some people only certain kinds of Words of Affirmation are meaningful.
- Finally, Love Languages need not be limited to the five categories at all. I suspect there are as many variations as there are people with particular longings. For example, I recently realized that I feel more loved when Cindy lets me keep my promises rather than doing herself what I said I’d do. Another person might feel loved when others show sensitivity to specific hurts from the past. Or someone might be impacted by having someone simply listen. These are also Love Languages, even though they don’t necessarily correspond with Chapman’s five categories.
To summarize: I like how the framework of Love Languages helps us identify the things that make people feel meaningfully loved.
Next week, in part 2, I’ll share what I DON’T like about the Love Languages. It may surprise you!