My essays about healthy relationships with God, others, & yourself.

Author: Mark Forstrom (Page 8 of 13)

Immediate Consequences for child discipline? Worst idea ever!

Upset Senior Woman with The Wooden Spoon Isolated on a White Background.This is a reposting of an essay I wrote back in 2014.  I feel as strongly now about it as I did then, in fact, I often share this concept when counseling parents.   With slight revisions, here is the post…


Somehow, most of grew up with the idea that when it to disciplining our kids, we must implement immediate consequences.  Except in the case of toddlers, I totally disagree.

The concept of immediate consequences corresponds to the behavior modification approach taught in psychology.  Ivan Pavlov effectively learned to train dogs this way, using immediate consequences and rewards as part of his classical conditioning.  But think about children’s brains are vastly different from those of dogs!  Kids are capable of reflecting on the past, anticipating what may happen in the future, and utilizing reason–things that dogs just can’t do.   With kids, immediate consequences are counter-productive.

Let’s say your kid…

  • draws in marker on his bedroom wall.
  • or throws something in anger and breaks your TV.
  • or comes in a half hour late from curfew.
  • or has alcohol on his breath.

Here are four reasons why immediate consequences would create additional negative consequences.

  1. First of all, we’d be implementing a consequence at a time when we’re likely red-hot with anger. The chances of us thinking objectively at this point is remote.  We might be unreasonably harsh or we might impulsively implement a punishment that would be counter-productive.
  2. If we would be visibly steamed while implementing the consequence, the child would perceive that the consequence was motivated by vengeance rather than reasonableness, concern, and care.  His perception of you will be “Son, you just made us really mad, so now we’re going to do something to make you really mad.”  Such a perception will divert the kid’s attention away from the actual problem (his behavior), to a something else (the hot-headedness of his parent.)  He will likely scapegoat you, rather than take responsibility for his actions.
  3. We’d be putting a consequence in place at a time when our kids are also angry, worked up, or dealing with their own feeling of guilt.  In such a condition, they wouldn’t be able to listen well, think objectively, or articulate well, so it would be pointless to enact a consequence at that moment. Once everyone had calmed down they would be better able to ascertain what went wrong and how to make things right.
  4. Lastly, we’d be having to make a quick, impulsive, knee-jerk, on-the-fly reaction to the misbehavior.  There would be no time to slow down and understand what actually went wrong and contemplate what response might the most constructive.  There would be no time to consult with other sources of parental wisdom.

All of this leads to the solution:  Immediate Acknowledgement with Delayed Consequences. 

The formula is simple:

  1. Acknowledge that some unacceptable behavior just occurred.
  2. Buy yourself some time by informing the child that a consequence is coming, but that you’ll need time to think about what consequence would be best.

Here are some examples of how this might sound.

“Billy, the way you just spoke to me felt very disrespectful and I’m not ok with that.  Something needs to be done about this and I’m going to take some time to figure out what to do about it.  I’ll talk to your dad as well as some others and get their input and when we’ve reached my decision we’ll get back to you.  But try not to worry about it.”

“Sally, the damage you caused my car by your irresponsibility is going to need fixing.  I’m pretty angry right now, but I’m going give myself some time to cool off and talk to some other parents and then I will figure out what would be a fair way to respond.  I’ll get back to you.  But try not to worry about it.”

“Jane, you told us you’d be home at 11 pm and it’s now 12:15 when you’re walking in the door.  We’ve been frightened and scared for the past hour and we’re honestly pretty steamed right now. It’s enough for us to say that we’ll be giving thought to what the consequences for this should be and we’ll get back to you.  I’m glad you’re safe and I love you, but let’s all go to bed and we’ll talk about this tomorrow.  ”


My favorite illustration of the value of “Immediate Acknowledgement with a Delayed Consequence” happened when I was a youth pastor.  One night during youth group, I was informed of the misbehavior of a couple of students who had been caught sneaking away from the group.  I pulled them aside afterward, and explained how their behavior was entirely unacceptable, but that I was unsure how best to respond.  There would be a consequence, I told them, but I needed to think if over to make sure it was fair.  I told them I’d get back to them as soon as I figured out what to do.  A day or so later, I got a beautiful FB message from one of the kids, sincerely apologizing what what they put me through and explaining that they had talked together about their misbehavior and wanted me to know of their commitment for it to never happen again.  They humbly expressed how they had learned their lesson.


As the example above shows, delaying the consequences gives the kids time to wrestle with their behavior and sometimes, they end up solving the problem themselves!  In this case, the kids really didn’t need any discipline at all– their apology mended our strained relationship and their commitment to change showed how they had grown from the incident.

  • The unexpected blessing of delayed consequences is this:  during the time-lapse between the acknowledgement and consequence, sometimes the kids do some thinking on their own and take responsibility to solve their own problem.


Imagine how different things would have been if I had imposed an immediate consequence on those high school kids:

Hot-Headed Mark:  I’m so furious with you two!  Shame on you!  You embarrassed me by sneaking off and misbehaving during youth group.  I expected more from you two.  You’ve broken my trust and that’s going to be really hard to regain.  I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget:  you’re both grounded from youth group for a month and watch it when you come back–I’ll be watching you!

What would their reaction be?  “That Mark Forstrom is such a jerk!  He’s so judgmental.  He doesn’t care about us.  He only cares about himself and his precious reputation.  Fine, he can go ahead and ground us from his stupid youth group.  We don’t want to come anymore anyway! ”

Case made!

So unless you have a dog or a toddler, let’s be careful to avoid immediate consequences and implement delayed consequences instead.


The greatest Christmas gift you can give your kids.

We live in a culture consumed with consuming, and at no time is this more obvious than at Christmastime.

Ironically, Jesus–whose birth we celebrate–said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  Yet, two of the most common questions children are asked this time of year will be “What do you want for Christmas?”  and afterwards, “What did you get for Christmas?”  If Jesus is right, then we have it backwards.

Over the years, we’ve done three things in our home to reorient Christmas toward giving.

First, we simply don’t spend a lot of money on Christmas presents to each other.  We exchange presents that are meaningful, but far from extravagant. We’ve intentionally avoided the treadmill of having to keep up with the coolest and latest–and endless–fads and trends.  (That’s a treadmill that speeds up once you’re on it making it near impossible to ever get off.)  When the girls were young, they would take an annual Christmas Eve trip to the Dollar Store to buy us all gifts.  Of course things have progressed since then, but we still retain the value that it’s “the thought that counts” more than the monetary value or cultural trendiness.

The second thing pertains to the way we opened the presents under our tree.  Rather than delivering presents to the recipients, we delivered them to the giver.  This resulted in each person having a pile of presents next to them reflecting what they had to give.  Then, one-by-one, the family member would present his gift to to the recipient and they both had joy at the opening of the gift.  That way the focus was on the one who gave the gift every bit as much as the one who received it.

The third thing we did in our home to get the focus onto giving was an idea inspired by the excellent book by Randy Alcorn, “Money, Possession, & Eternity.”  It has to do with letting our kids experience the joy of giving generously to those in need.  He suggested we designate money for the kids to give away to worthy causes.

By his advice we decided to take some of the money we would normally give away at Christmastime and allow the girls to direct it to causes they were excited about.  The amount we gave each of them control over was hefty (over 10 times the value of our normal Christmas gifts to them) because we wanted them to experience the blessing of knowing they had changed the world.

They had to research where they wanted the money to be spent and be able to articulate to us why they felt it was important.  This has become our annual tradition–one that we now wished we had heard of long ago instead of when they were teenagers.  Over the years, Brenda and Lexi have purchased water buffaloes for families in Bangladesh, purchased a well in India, supported individual missionaries with whom they had a connection, given to the Advent Conspiracy, local ministries, and more.  The letters of thanks, photos, and reports of how their money was used confirmed to them that they had indeed made the world a better place.

We believe that allowing our kids to experience the blessing of giving will be the best Christmas gift we ever gave them.

Reflecting on the NCBC Youth Group Reunion and my twenty years of ministry here

Saturday was one of the greatest days of my life.   Thanks to everyone who participated in the youth group reunion — either by your physical attendance or by your updates, thoughts and kind words.

I was profoundly and emotionally affected by the whole experience.  I need to blog about it to help me process it all –and for those of you who weren’t there, I want to tell you how it went.

For months I personally invested a lot of time, effort, and mental energy getting ready for this reunion.  It was the right thing to do and I was going to get it done.  The preparations were all very task-oriented and I like tasks:  planning, communicating, reserving, organizing, displaying, etc.  I spent the last two nights at church, maximizing the time needed in making the final preparations.

At 7 am Saturday morning we loaded up all the memorabilia and refreshments for the “Meet & Greet”, which was held at our old church building.  (Thanks to Faith Bible for letting us use their facility.)  We set up 20 tables in their gym and displayed a year’s worth of memories on each (photos, t-shirts, trip booklets, etc).  Haley Neiderhizer, our intern, surprised Mark and I with giant photo posters of us for people to sign.  It was neat that she gave people a way to express themselves.  Gina, my admin, set up the refreshments.

At 10 am, people from the “early years” started arriving, and it was fun to see people reconnecting and reminiscing and sharing long-forgotten stories.  As the “Meet & Greet” progressed, alumni from later years arrived.  It was delightful watching these students and sponsors reconnect with each other.  My enjoyment was watching them enjoy it.  This event was planned just for them!

When the “Meet & Greet” ended at 3 pm we had a mere three hours to clean up and transport everything back to our new building for the Banquet.  We set up the memorabilia display tables once again and checked on the decorations and food (Ken Owens and his team did a fabulous job!)

Alumni started arriving just before 6 and I again enjoyed watching them enjoy their event.  During the delicious dinner, we projected the 100+ current family photos that had been submitted by alumni and we played a youth group worship CD that was recorded in 1997.   Everything was going just as I had planned.

The after-dinner program was to be simple.  We would sing worship songs from over the years–using an overhead projector for the earliest ones!  We would recognize the sponsors for their service and present a special gift to Charley Snodgrass, who has been a sponsor for 25 consecutive years.  And then Mark Eades and I would each share about 15 minutes of reflections.

When Mark E got up to speak, rather than address the alumni, he started addressing me.  I could sense that something was going on that I had not planned.  Little did I realize that the party that I had planned was about to be sabotaged!  Suddenly, he announced that a special guest from my past had arrived to join me for this celebration of mine!  Just as suddenly, my old friend Brian Carroll emerged from the side room and came up on the stage.  He had driven 20 hours from Texas just to surprise me.

But I think the greater surprise to us all was the emotional impact that occurred within me at that moment.  It wasn’t about Brian — because I’ve never gotten emotional over him before — but it was about what he represented.  Since we became friends in college, Brian has been influential in my life — helping me to grow, challenging me to godliness, calling me on my sin, modeling Christlikeness to me.  When he walked in, it reminded me of how significant relationships are.

And then I looked across the room full of people and I realized that what was true about Brian was equally true about every person in the room — and many more who couldn’t attend.  During our youth group years together each of these precious people had shaped my life and I had shaped theirs in some way — on a retreat, in a bus, on a trip, in a stairway, etc.  I realized at that moment that this reunion was not just for them, it was for me too.  It wasn’t about well-managed tasks resulting in a party, it was about celebrating life-altering relationships.  That is what had brought us together this day.  A day that I will never forget.

Q&A about dating, marriage, and sexuality

In 2012, our church had a panel discussion addressing questions about marriage, dating, and sexuality from a biblical perspective.  Here are my answers.

QUESTION: Is dating without marriage in mind ok? What is the purpose of dating and marriage?

Let me answer the last questions first. Marriage is the joining of a husband and wife in the most intimate of human relationships, the ideal context for childrearing, and the ideal setting to depict the love, commitment, and affection of Christ for His church.

First of all, it’s worth noting that dating is not found anywhere in the Bible, in fact the norm there is for the parents to arrange the marriages of their children – which by the way I think is a brilliant idea – although my two teenage daughters might disagree. In all of scripture, the closest thing we find to dating is in the Samson account, and we all know how miserably that turned out!

Seriously though, dating is the reality in our culture. So what is the purpose of dating?
For those seeking to find a husband or wife, dating – or courtship – provides opportunities to learn about the character, personality, and interests of the other person, which are essential things to know when selecting a spouse.

So is dating without marriage in mind ok? Depends what you mean by dating. If it means going out on occasional dates as friends, fine. But I say dating is NOT OK in at least the following five circumstances:
• If it’s Recreational Dating, using the other person for your own immediate satisfaction.
• If it involves any kind of sexual intimacy.
• If it isolates the two of you from healthy interaction with family and friends.
• If having a boyfriend or girlfriend is merely a way to gain or retain social status.
• If it strings the other person along in an undefined, nebulous, pseudo-commitment.

QUESTION: What are some practical steps for living out a Biblical view of sexuality?

The only proper context for sexual expression is within marriage. This is God’s gracious design as a way for husbands and wives to experience great intimacy and mutual delight. Those who are married should make the pursuit of intimacy – including sexual intimacy — a priority in ways that bring mutual satisfaction. This is biblical. See 1 Cor 7.

Since sexual expression has no proper place outside of marriage, this creates a problem for those who aren’t married. What do Christ-following singles do with the reality that they have raging hormones and sexual desires, but don’t have marriage as a way to express them? This is an important question.

The first step is to bring these things to God. This doesn’t just apply to sexual appetites, we must do this with any illegitimate craving, temptation, anxiety, frustration, unmet expectation, or desire that can’t be righteously fulfilled – we must surrender them to God.

The second step is to make choices that will reduce our sexual appetites. Fred Stoeker uses the illustration of our sex drive being like a Sumo wrestler. If you feed the Sumo wrestler, it will conquer you. If you starve it, you will conquer it. So what can you do to reduce your sexual frustrations?

• Stop viewing pornography. Statistically speaking, hundreds of you struggle with this – guys mostly, but also girls. It doesn’t satisfy, it leaves you empty, it takes more and more to thrill you, but you feel less and less satisfied and more and more helpless. Porn gives you a false idea that sexuality is about taking and consuming, rather than giving and serving the way God designed sex in marriage. No women could ever live up to the expectation of porn. It’s all about you, but there’s nothing real about it. Enough is enough. How about getting victory over this starting today? 1. Secret sins never go away. 2. Tell me or someone who you can make yourself accountable to. 3. Read “Closing the Window” by Tim Chester.
• By the way, women, romance novels have been called emotional pornography. Are you meeting unfulfilled desires by living in a fantasy world of literature. Are you creating expectations and desires that no real man could live up to? Think about it.
• Entertainment. Our culture is sex saturated. What kind of sexual messages are you exposing yourself to through movies, tv, music, jokes with the boys. How about changing what you expose yourself to?
• Modest dress. Both guys and girls. Dress in a way that doesn’t feed someone else’s Sumo wrestler.

QUESTION. If someone has a very detailed sexual past, how do they fully move forward in Christ’s forgiveness and grace?

Sexual sin naturally produces much embarrassment, guilt and shame. Satan, the great “Accuser of the Brethren” in Rev 12:10, would want to keep us perpetually enslaved by this guilt and shame, sidelining us from abundant living. We wrongly think God must have lost His patience, resulting in a false sense of being alienated from Him. Ironically this perceived wall between us and God puts us in a much worse condition than the sexual sin itself. When such debilitating thoughts arise, keep in mind these scriptural truths:
• If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Do you believe this? Will you accept His cleansing?
• While we were his enemies, Christ reconciled us to Himself (Rom 5:10). He loved you as an enemy. Couldn’t He love you despite sexual weaknesses? Yes!
• If he could forgive the blatant in-your-face sins of the soldiers who were nailing Him to the cross (Luke 23:34), then couldn’t he forgive you for your sexual sins? Yes!
• Nothing can separate you from the love of God (Rom 8:38-39).
• If God can remove your sins as far away as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12) why do you keep them near at hand?
• If you were dead in your trespasses and sins before God’s grace rescued you (Eph 2:1-10) why not divert your attention away from your deadness and trust Him to make you “alive in Christ” now?
• Are you living in the Room of Good Intentions or in the Room of Grace?

What matters most.

This weekeend was our daughter Brenda’s long awaited Piano recital. Fifteen years of piano lessons with her teacher Shirley Hanneman reached their culmination. Brenda rose to the challenge, delighting the audience with selections from Chopin, Debussy, Mozart and more.  The music was quite amazing.  

Afterwards several people came up to me and congratulated me — some almost in tears — commenting on how excited I must be about this day, how amazing she sounded, and how proud I must be of her for her music. 

These sentiments caught me a little off guard, and I wasn’t sure why. While I thoroughly enjoyed the recital, my level of excitement about the music wasn’t what one would expect from a beaming, proud papa. I experienced the same thing an hour later at our other daughter Lexi’s 8th grade Honor Band concert.

Why was I not floating on cloud nine over these noteworthy (pun intended) musical accomplishments of my girls? I needed to reflect a bit on this.  And I did. 

What I’ve concluded is this:  I find tremendous joy and satisfaction in my girls, but the things I treasure most about them have very little to do with their performances, abilities, good grades, and accomplishments.  What thrills me most are the virtues I see being lived out in their character:  a love for serving God, biblical values, the respect and love shown us,  responsibility, integrity, hard work, and good stewardship of what God has given them (including their talents), etc.  

If I were to be a beaming papa (and I always am!) it would be because of their daily character, not because of the talents on display last Saturday.   If both of them retained their character qualities but were tone deaf, had learning disabilities, and were poor students, I would be every bit as satisfied with them. 

Because the stigma of performance and success is not that important to us, we’ve tried never to pressure them towards high achievement.  True, we’ve affirmed them in the use of their talents, but we’ve tried never to pressure them towards greatness.  In fact, if anything, I’ve tried to lower the performance expectations, saying things like “No one can reasonably give 100% to every area of life.”  “Don’t overdo things”,  “Only do as much as is reasonable given your other commitments” and “Be sure you leave enough margin in your life so you can fully enjoy it.”  The fact that they’re achieving such success anyways is actually ironic.  

Equally ironic is my observation that many parents pressure their kids to be highly successful in sports, music, or academics, and inadvertantly cause stress, pressure, and ultimately resentment in their kids.  And in doing so they miss the opportunities to cultivate the positive character qualities and virtues that are so much more important in the long run. 

Am I thrilled that my kids are talented?  Absolutely.  But the talent itself isn’t what matters most.

Giving Up Groceries!

Our family has decided to give up Groceries for a month! Once again this confirms that our family is more than just a little odd! We did, after all, give up electric lights for a whole week last year. And we pulled the plug on our TV almost two years ago.

Here’s what’s going on this time. We had a “family meeting” recently where we talked about the fact that our family spends exactly $500 per month on groceries. (We use the “envelope system”, which always keeps us within our budget). We also talked about the large amount of food we have stored up in our cupboards, fridge and freezers, which would be good to purge. As we talked this question was raised: could we live for a month on the food we already have in our house? I said a resounding “Yes!” — the others weren’t quite as convinced! But we all agreed it was worth a try. With only a slight amount of compromising the challenge was set!

We decided to only buy “essential” groceries (milk, fresh fruit, etc.) and to try to spend as little of the $500 as we can. Whatever money we don’t spend we’ll donate to some ministry that distributes food.

It’s really not been bad at all so far. It’s amazing what food options have been hiding in the back of our cupboards for who knows how long! I’m personally looking forward to the end of the month to see what interesting food combinations we’ll be forced to serve up!

So far we’re a third of the way through the month and we’ve only spent $31. I’ll let you know how it goes as the month progresses!

End of the month report:  We spent a total of $70, enabling us to give $430 towards food for the hungry!

Sacred Pathways

On our Winter Retreat this weekend, our teaching theme presented the “Sacred Pathways” described in the book by the same name by Gary Thomas. I’m going to summarize the book here so others will know what we talked about–I think every believer would benefit spiritually by learning the insights presented in this book.
So here’s a quick overview to clue you in. Gary Thomas is one of my very favorite authors. He is, a marvelous church historian who gleans spiritual gems from the forefathers of our faith and puts them in easy to understand language. In his historical research, he has identified nine spiritual “temperaments” or ways that people are wired to best love and connect with God. Knowing how you’re wired to worship helps you experience God in more meaningful ways. The nine pathways are

  • The NATURALIST — worships God through experiencing God’s creation
  • The SENSATE— worships God through the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, & taste)
  • The ENTHUSIAST — worships God expressively through joyful passion and expectation.
  • The INTELLECTUAL— worships God by studying Truth and establishing firm beliefs.
  • The TRADITIONALIST— worships God by enjoying historic practices of the church, symbols, creeds, or hymns.
  • The ASCETIC— worships God by living a life of simplicity, solitude, and self-denial.
  • The CONTEMPLATIVE— worships God by meditating on an intimate, loving, personal relationship with Him.
  • The CAREGIVER — worships God by loving and serving others.
  • The ACTIVIST— worships God by making efforts to change the world.

All the “pathways” are valid and necessary in the church. We’ll each have several that are dominant–and knowing that helps us to avoid judging others’ ways of worshiping. It also helps to know that it’s ok for me to worship in a way that may be different from others. It’s also useful to try other pathways to expereince God in new ways. During the retreat after presenting each pathway in detail we had a time to experience each one (nature prayer walks, contemplation, prayer for each other, packaging meals for Kids Against Hunger, etc.)

Everyone received a copy of Sacred Pathways. I’d recommend eveyone get a copy and take the assessment. I have a case of books if anyone’s interested in purchasing one for $10.
By the way, in case you’re wondering about my pathway mix–I’m an Ascetic, Contemplative, Intellectual, who’s becoming more and more of a Traditionalist!

Restorative Justice

This past Wednesday our youth group talked about “sibling rivalry” as part of a three-week series called, “Family Ties.” As part of the night, Andrew Boone interviewed Cindy, Brenda, Lexi, and I about our family dynamics. As we shared about how our family works, we mentioned how restorative justice has helped keep conflicts from escalating in our home.

I’ve talked about this before, but for those who might be interested, I’d like to explain this important concept again.

It’s inevitable that family members will hurt one another.  Sometimes it’s intentional, sometimes accidental.  Sometimes it involves an action done and sometimes it’s something neglected.  Sometimes it involves words, sometimes simply body language.  The hurt is caused by unawareness of others (at best) and disrespectful hate (at worst.)  In any case, it’s always hurtful to family harmony and therefore requires some sort of response from us parents.

But how should we respond to such hurtful treatment?  Here are two common responses that I think fall short:

Punishment.  Often parents inflict punishments that have no relationship to the hurt that was caused.  Spanking.  Being sent to your room.  Grounding.  Loss of computer privileges, etc.  I know these parents are well-meaning in what they are doing. However, I suggest that this response falls short — the wounded party remains wounded and the offending party feels arbitrarily punished, which breeds resentment. The goal of family harmony has not been reached.

Requiring Apologies.  Sometimes parents take another approach at resolving the issue by forcing an apology.   Apologies are a good thing and they do bring healing when they’re genuine. The problem with this is that if the offender isn’t truly sorry about what he did, he can’t honestly apologize, so this forces him to lie.  True, you may get a lip-service apology, but it’s not heartfelt and I would suggest that the wounded party remains wounded (perhaps more so because a false apology adds insult to injury).  And the offender has been encouraged to simply go through the motions. Again, this falls short of the goal.

So what’s the alternative?  I suggest…

Restorative justice.   The idea here is that when one family member hurts another, the response should primarily involve giving the victim justice rather than punishing the offender.   If something is stolen, it must be returned.  If someone has been dealt pain, they should be given pleasure.  If someone has been treated disrespectfully, they should be treated with respect.  If someone is cut down, they should be built up.  (By the way, i consider put-downs, sassing, sarcasm, and sneering as a robbery of self-worth, so restoring self-worth is the appropriate antidote even for these.)

This idea stems from the very nature of God Himself–His justice! The concept here is that the victimizer must repay the victim — whether he is sorry or not. The injustice must be acknowledged and the offender (if of age) should have to propose some sort of compensation that will sufficiently right his wrongs. The victim (if of age) needs to determine if the proposal is sufficient compensation or not.  If the two parties can’t agree on proper compensation, then the parents will need to intervene and assign whatever is appropriate.

(By the way, this principle should apply to offending parents as well as the kids–everyone deserves to be treated with value and everyone needs to make things right when we fall short of that!)

Restorative Justice is how we run our home, and I credit it with giving us a great deal of family harmony which is a great treasure to us. And it’s self-perpetuating. Brenda and Lexi have learned to resolve their own injustice issues without much intervention from us at all.

But beyond the immediate family harmony that we enjoy today, there’s also a longer-lasting benefit I’d like to mention: building character for life!  Restorative Justice has become so ingrained in our family system that it’s now just the way we think. We’ve learned that all people are made in the image of God and therefore deserve to be treated with respect and that we must always make things right when we inevitably hurt one another!

My experience watching LOST.

Last Sunday was the series finale for LOST and before too much time goes by I want to write my reflections about it.  I must admit that I have been a Lost addict for the past two years, when a friend loaned me the first two seasons on DVD.  After that we Forstroms (minus Cindy) found ourselves utterly captivated.

We don’t have tv service so we’ve watched seasons 3-6 on  It became our Wednesday-night-after-youth-group tradition and the girls and I had great times together watching it together.  We enjoyed trying to figure out the unexplained mysteries and found the character development extremely interesting.  There seemed to be a lot of religious and mythological symbolism, which made us curious about where the show was heading.



  • Experiencing this with my girls.  It was like a weekly “Daddy Date” and it gave us a lot of time together and ongoing conversations about where the storyline was going.  I’ll never regret the time spent with them.  We’d stay up as late as we needed to to have our weekly LOST experience together.  Homework always took a back seat to LOST!
  • I was captivated by the complexity of the storytelling, the beautiful scenery, the haunting musical score, the compelling characters, and the intrigue of the mysterious storyline. 
  • I thoroughly enjoyed having conversations about it with other friends and co-workers who were likewise addicted to the show.  It was a lot of fun trying to figure out what this-or-that meant or where that came from, or what ever happened to so-and-so. 
  • There was so much to remember and try to unwravel.  Right to the end we kept wondering who were the good guys and who were the bad guys and who was behind it all. That made it especially intriguing and fun.



Part of the weekly enjoyment of the mystery was my assumption that — in the end — the mysteries would be explainable and have meaning.  I was somewhat disappointed to find that the finale left many of the questions unanswered (which I somewhat expected, since there were so many loose ends).  But my real disappointment was to discover that many of the show’s unexplained mysteries were irrelevant in the end anyways.  It didn’t really matter who the good and bad guys were.  It didn’t really matter who died, who’s name was on the wall, who took over Jacob’s job as the “island keeper”, who travelled through time, who destroyed the submarine, who escaped on the airplane, who stayed behind, whether the island sank or time-shifted, who lived-together or died-alone, who pushed a button every 108 minutes, who bought a fried chicken franchise, who rode in a wheelchair, etc.   Not much of what happened during the 121 episodes seemed to matter much in the end.  At the end of the finale all the characters mysteriously converged together in some alternate-reality in an ecumenical churchlike building and they were all at peace.  In the end the only relevant thing seemed to be how they had bonded with each other during their experiences.   This existentialist ending left me feeling strung along or duped.  I felt unsatisfied.

The ending also made me wonder about some things.



  • Whether I would have watched the show had I known the mysteries were going to be largely unanswered and irrelevant anyways.
  • If spending 100 hours watching Lost was good stewardship of my time.  
  • If I became desensitized to the depictions of sin in the show (language, immorality, torture, murder, etc.), justifying them because I thought the show would end with a beneficial “moral to the story.”
  • Whether my passion for LOST was at times greater than my passion for God.  Beyond the 100 hours of the show I certainly spend many more hours contemplating Lost’s mysteries and talking about it.
  • What is it about LOST that appealed to me so much and kept me so hooked?  Was it the quest for the mysteries’ answers (which mostly never came anyways)?  Was it the character development (which actually worked backwards so that in the end everyone’s characters melded into emotionless melancholy in some alternate-reality world)?
  • If I’d have known the ending at the beginning would I have been so captivated by it?


Will I spend another hundred hours and watch the whole series again?  This one I can answer:  No.

The Importance of Showing Affection in Marriage

This past week, my daughter Lexi randomly discovered “The Brady Bunch” on YouTube. She’s quickly become addicted to it–but this is one of the better addictions; it offers wonderfully clean, and wholesome entertainment compared to what is so often dished out by Hollywood today.

Watching the Bradys is like traveling in time back to my childhood — in fact, I was about my girls’ age when I used to watch it every day after school. (I admit, I was crushing on Marcia.)  It’s been a delight to revisit these shows, laughing with my girls and talking about the relative simplicity of life in the 70s.  Yes, corded phones used to be attached to the wall!  

One thing that stands out about the the Brady Bunch is the level of affection shown by Mike and Carol. It’s obvious that they are in love, nuzzling and flirting all the time — even in front of the kids. But nobody blushes — in fact, the kids relish their parents’ mutual delight nearly as much as Mike and Carol do. The affection of their parents seems to add to the well-being and security of their home.

Which is exactly the point I wish to make.

Today, we live in a world where marriage is breaking down before our eyes. We might blame the secular culture for devaluing and redefining marriage, but perhaps the greatest hindrance is the lack of healthy marriages being modeled.  Our kids are subtly being taught something about marriage every day.

Think of the messages they get from television and movies: sensual delight is found primarily outside of marriage and marriage will limit your options — almost like going to prison. Married people have to “settle down” and stop having fun. Bachelor parties have become like the Mardi Gras before the dreaded season of Lent. No wonder kids today don’t value marriage!

Christian parents are not exempt.   Do we who are married show our kids that marriage is a delight or do they see it as more of a contractual arrangement where the parents simply co-exist?

Why might Christian parents neglect to show affection in front of their kids?   I can think of three reasons.

First. Is it in hopes that our kids won’t think about sex? Too late, they already do! God has given them massive amounts of hormones and they’re trying to figure out what they’re for. We’ve got to show them that the proper context for drives, affections, and sensuality is in marriage — otherwise they’ll begin to seek the fulfillment of these things in all the wrong places.

Second. Is it because showing affection is out of our comfort zone? I realize that your background, personality, ethnicity, circumstances etc. affect your comfortability with showing affection, but I suggest that nevertheless it must be shown. It may take getting used to and you may observe some eye-rolling at first, but it will impact your family for the better. My kids have gotten used to us snuggling on the couch; they see us holding hands; they catch my cheesy pickup lines some nights before bedtime, and they hear me tease about wanting a “transparent shower curtain” in our bathroom for my birthday. They groan at this last one of course, but through it all, they learn that their parents’ affection is genuine and secure, which makes the whole family feel secure. And in the process, they learn what marriage is meant to be, hopefully wanting that for themselves one day.

Third. Is it because we honestly don’t have any affection for our spouse? If this is the case then the best thing you can do for your kids is to sprint directly into marriage counseling. Affection isn’t negotiable. It’s not the icing on the cake of marriage it is the cake itself. Marriage is ALL about the quality of the relationship. As far as it depends on you, do whatever is possible to get help with your marriage. I would be glad to chat with any of you about how to get help in this area.

Guilt. Lastly, I fear some of you will read this and simply feel guilty because you’re not able to model a healthy, affectionate marriage to your kids. Perhaps you’re a single parent or you’re stuck in a marriage where — due to circumstances beyond your control — affection is simply not going to be a reality. I want you to know that God is big enough to overcome your situation! He’s so good at working in spite of us. Trust Him. Pray that your kids will see healthy marriages modeled in the lives of other mentors. (That’s why I require my youth group volunteer couples to show PDA in youth group.) Perhaps your unfortunate situation will be used positively to give your kids a thirst for what you yourself long for. God’s not limited by anything. Trust Him.

And for some of you perhaps the first step would be to watch a couple reruns of the Brady Bunch!


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